
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Changes in species and mobility of cadmium, lead and uranium in sod podzol soils after biochar application


By the chemical fractionation method, the effect of 1-5 w. % of biochar addition to sandy and sandy-loam sod podzol soils on the Сd, Pb and U reserves in exchangeable (sorbed reversibly) and mobile (conditionally bioavailable) forms has been investigated. It has been found that, under conditions favorable for growing of agricultural plants, an essential decrease of Cd, Pb and U reserves in forms determining their mobility and availability in sandy soils could be caused by 3-5 w. % of biochar, but in sandy-loam soils it can be obtained with 3 w. % of biochar.

About the Authors

G. A. Sokolik
Belarusian State University

S. V. Ovsiannikova
Belarusian State University

M. V. Popenia
Belarusian State University

K. V. Voinikava
Belarusian State University

T. G. Ivanova
Belarusian State University


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