
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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The change of zeolite properties of the ‘Noyemberyanskoe’ deposit (Armenia) after their processing with alkaline and acidic solutions (1­6 mol/dm3 ) has been studied by X­ray diffraction and dip pycnometry. It has been established that chemical composition and specific total pore volume of clinoptilolite were changed, and also new phases, such as sodalite, gismondine and fillipsite, were formed at sodium hydroxide concentration of ≥ 2 mol/dm3 . It has been found that increasing the hydrochloric acid concentration up to ≈ 6 mol/dm3 leads to size and form change of clinoptilolite sorption channels, and further increase causes its destruction. The method of low­temperature nitrogen adsorption­desorption proved the presence of mesoporous constituent in a clinoptilolite rock.

About the Authors

A. O. Sargsyan
Yerevan State University

O. A. Sargsyan
Yerevan State University

L. R. Harutyunyan
Yerevan State University

G. G. Badalyan
Yerevan State University

I. A. Petrosyan
Yerevan State University

R. S. Harutyunyan
Yerevan State University

T. F. Kouznetsova
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

A. I. Ivanets
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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