
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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A method for simultaneous determination of thiuram D and E in aqueous extracts in the sanitary-chemical analysis of rubber by high performance liquid chromatography has been developed. Separation was performed using column Hypersil Gold 250 mm, internal diameter 4.6 mm, graining phase 5 μm, a mixture of acetonitrile–bidistilled water (80 : 20 v/v) was used as a mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.4 ml·min−1, UV detection was at 280  nm. The chromatographic parameters such as retention times, peak asymmetry, resolution factor and selectivity factor, have been determined. It has been shown that the method is linear in the range of 0.005 mkg/ml – 0.05 mkg/ml. Using the calibration curve and standard deviations analytical signal, limits of quantification have been calculated, being 0.003 mkg/ml and 0.004 mkg/ml for thiurams  D and E, respectively. It has been found that the difference between values of the average result variances of two samples obtained under conditions of intermediate precision in determining the content of thiuram D and thiuram E in model samples, is insignificant. The developed method has been tested in the sanitary-chemical analysis of sample toys and medical products from rubber.

About the Authors

A. V. Yukhnik
Belarusian State University
postgraduate student in Faculty of Chemical

S. M. Leschev
Belarusian State University
D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor


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