
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Under the laboratory conditions, processes of flocculation, phase separation and structurization of saline clay dispersion have been simulated and investigated. Effect of polymer (polyacrylamide) introduced at flocculation stage on properties of final products was studied. It has been found that at polymer concentrations of 0.01–0.2 mg/g, solid phase density and dewatering capability of flocs increase 1.4–1.6 times. Strength yield stress and optimal granules size have a maximum at polyacrylamide concentration of 0.2 mg/g of the disperse phase. Introduction of polyacrylamide into saline clay dispersion during structurization step reduces yield stress, density and plasticity 1.4–1.7 times, compared to adding the polymer at flocculation stage. This could be explained by adsorption of polymer macromolecules on the clay particles during flocculation step, to form bridges, whereas during structure formation step polymer binds larger clay aggregates and the strength of such contacts is weaker.
Results of the study allow to estimate a concentration range of polymeric flocculant which provides optimal parameters of the studied processes and properties of the final products. The results are used in the complex recycling technology of clay-containing wastes of potash production.

About the Authors

E. V. Layeuskaya
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Scientific Researcher.

E. V. Vorobieva
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
D. Sc. (Chemistry), Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Polymer-Containing Disperse Systems

N. P. Krutko
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Academician, D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor, Director General of the State Research and Production Association “Chemical Products and Technologies”

P. D. Vorobiоv
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Ph. D. (Chemistry), Leading Researcher.

D. V. Cherednichenko
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Ph. D. (Chemistry), Leading Researcher.

M. T. Naskovets
Belarusian State Technological University
Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of forest roads and the organization of wood removals.


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ISSN 1561-8331 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2342 (Online)