
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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A new method for the catalytic preparation (using copper salts) of the anion exchanger with ternary amino groups has been developed. The best conditions for synthesis of this ion exchanger, such as catalyst and aminating agent (dimethylamino propylamine) concentrations and process time, have been found. The acid-base properties of functional groups have been determined by potentiometric titration. By the analysis of isopiestic curves, water-holding capacity of the anion exchanger has been estimated and these results used for determination of the anion exchanger applicability for air purification. The experimental sorption results show the practical applicability of the ion exchanger for air purification from acidic impurities (on the example of sulfur dioxide sorption) in a wide range of relative humidity.

About the Authors

E. G. Kosandrovich
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation
P h.D. ( Chemistry), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher

V. N. Yakubel
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation
junior researcher

P. V. Nesteronok
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation
scientific researcher

L. N. Shachenkova
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation
Ph.D., senior researcher

V. S. Soldatov
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation
Academician, Dr.Sci. (Chemistry), Professor, head of the laboratory


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ISSN 2524-2342 (Online)