A reagent kit EIA-TOXIN T-2 for the determination of mycotoxin T-2 toxin in feeds and foods by a direct competitive enzyme immunoassay using microtitration plate has been developed and tested. The evaluated parameters of the kit and metrological characteristics of the technique of measurements correspond to the modern level of immunoassay development and provide the determination of T-2 toxin content of agricultural products in a range of 30 to 1000 mg/kg with proper accuracy and precision.
About the Authors
I. I. VashkevichBelarus
Ph. D. (Chemistry), Leading Researcher
A. A. Yastrebova
O. S. Kuprienko
G. S. Kornilovich
Principal Director of Scientific Research
L. N. Sukhenko
Head of Department
A. I. Shibeko
Leading Chemical Engineer
O. V. Sviridov
D. Sc. (Chemistry), Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory
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