
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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The properties of composite copper coatings with inclusions of ultradispersed diamonds (UDD) and diamond soot (DS) in copper citrate electrolyte have been investigated. The concentrations of diamond-containing additives have been varied in the range of 0.2–2 g/l. Sizes of copper microcrystals, UDD and DS particles were determined from the scanning electron microscopy images. By means of the X-ray fluorescent analysis, the interrelation between concentration of diamondbearing additives in electrolyte and their content in the obtained coatings has been established. The minimal microporosity and the maximal microhardness correspond to concentration of 1.0 g/l for both UDD and DS suspensions in citrate copper coating electrolytes. Copper-UDD coating has increased protective properties (porosity 2 time/cm2 ) and uniformity of distribution of diamond-bearing particles on a surface in comparison with a monocoating and copper-DS coating. Using UDD in citrate copper coating electrolyte with a concentration of diamond-bearing additive of 1.0 g/l is more preferable for production of composite electrochemical coatings. 

About the Authors

V. V. Yaskelchyk
Belarusian State Technological University

Postgraduate student

13а, Sverdlov Str., 220030, Minsk

I. M. Zharski
Belarusian State Technological University

Ph. D. (Chemistry), Professor

13а, Sverdlov Str., 220030, Minsk

E. V. Mikhedova
Belarusian State Technological University


13а, Sverdlov Str., 220030, Minsk

A. A. Chernik
Belarusian State Technological University

Ph. D. (Chemistry), Associate Professor, Head of the Department

13а, Sverdlov Str., 220030, Minsk


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