
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Influence of plasticizer nature on the analytical characteristics of ion-selective electrodes based on higher quaternary ammonium salts reversible to doubly charged inorganic anions


It has been established that membranes of carbonate and hydrogen phosphate selective electrodes based on higher quaternary ammonium salts are preferable to be plasticized with o-nitrophenyldecyl ether, membranes of sulfate, selenate, selenite-selective electrodes with 1-bromonaphthalene, sulfite, molybdate, tungstate-selective electrodes with dibutylphthalate. The use of an optimum plasticizer allows, in general, reducing both the lower detection limit of electrodes and the values of selectivity coefficients by about 1 order (depending on the interfering ion). A qualitative explanation is given to the results obtained from the Fouoss theory and the Born model.

About the Author

Yu. V. Matveichuk
Belarusian State University
Ph. D. (Сhemistry), Associate Professor


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