Determination of iodine in multivitamin preparations by cathodic stripping voltammetry
The possibility to determine iodide ions by stripping voltammetry has been demonstrated in multivitamin preparations against the background of redox active components with a concentration exceeding the iodide content of 600–1000 (ascorbic acid), 8–20 (thiamine, riboflavin), 20–40 (iron ions), 10–12 (manganese ions), 4–6 (copper ions) times. The method is based on the anodic concentration of iodide in the form of mercury iodide Hg2I2 on an amalgamated silver indicator electrode at a potential of 0.0 V (vs. Ag/AgCl reference electrode), followed by recording the cathode current peak in a potentiodynamic voltammogram in 0.4 mol/dm3 formic acid aqueous solution in the range of electrode potential from +0.1 to–0.7 V. The method is applicable for the determination of iodide ions in a solution with 0.5–100 μg/dm3 concentration; the relative standard deviation decreases from 6.1 to 3.2 % with an increase in the concentration of iodide from 0.5 to 5.0 μg/dm3, and in the range of 10–100 μg/dm3 is 2.4–3 %.
About the Authors
A. I. KulakBelarus
Anatoly I. Kulak – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor, Director.
9/1, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk.
N. P. Matveiko
Nikolai P. Matveiko – D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Materials and Manufacturing Technologies.
7/5, Sverdlov Str., 220030, Minsk.
A. M. Braikova
Alla M. Braikova – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Associate Professor.
7/5, Sverdlov Str., 220030, Minsk.
V. V. Sadovsky
Viktor V. Sadovsky – D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor.
26, Partizanski Ave., 220070, Minsk.
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