Optimization of liquid-phase α-pinene oxidation with oxygen in presence of cobalt (II) stearate
Optimization of the liquid-phase oxidation of α-pinene was carried out using the Box plan. It was found that an increase in the temperature of the oxidation process in the interval 55–85 °C leads to an increase in the amount of polymers from 45 to 55 %, and a decrease in the air flow rate from 1000 to 600 ml/min – to a 10 % decrease in terpenic oxygencontaining compounds (verbenol, verbenon, epoxy α-pinene). Increasing the duration of oxidation from 5 to 15 h leads to a reduction in the content of α-pinene from 70 to 48 %, which indicates its high conversion. The results of the experimental plan have been processed, the optimum process conditions found, which ensure the maximum yield terpenic oxygencontaining compounds and a high conversion α-pinene with the minimum content of polymers in the oxidation products, have been calculated and confirmed in practice. It was established that at a temperature of 70–75 °C, an air flow rate of 1000 ml/min and an oxidation time of 5 h, the quantitative content of the main products was: terpenic oxygen-containing compounds – 27.04 %, monomers – 69.70 %, polymers – 30.30 %.
About the Authors
A. A. SosnovskayaBelarus
Aleksandra A. Sosnovskaya – Postgraduate student, Junior researher
13a, Sverdlov Str., 220006, Minsk
V. L. Fleisher
Vyacheslav L. Fleisher – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of the Department
13a, Sverdlov Str., 220006, Minsk
Y. V. Borkina
Yana V. Borkina – Master student, Department of Chemical Processing of Wood
13a, Sverdlov Str., 220006, Minsk
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