
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Life and creative development of academician M. M. Pavlyuchenko


The article is devoted to the 110 anniversary of the birth of the Belarusian scientist, the founder of the section of chemical science – Chemistry of solids, the organizer and the first director of Institute of the General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus – Mikhail Mikhaylovich Pavlyuchenko. In the article, the career devoted to search of the implication and chemical mechanism of the processes proceeding with participation of solids is described. Identification of the defining stages (limiting stages) and regularities of thermal dissociation reactions and synthesis of different classes and various structure of substances, as well as the definition of ways to operate these processes are described in this paper. His pedagogical and practical activities were purposeful, he looked for and found the young people interested in scientific research, excited them with his ideas, prepared 40 candidates and 3 Doctors of Chemistry. Together with the academician N. F. Ermolenko and the engineering structure of the institute, he prepared, proved the ways and possibilities of use and enrichment of sylvinites of the Starobinsky field, and repeatedly reported for the government and wide audience on importance of chemical industry development in Belarus. His course of life is a service to science and the Homeland.

About the Authors

N. P. Krutko
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

Nikolay P. Krutko – Academician, D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor, Director General of the State Research and Production Association «Chemical Products and Technologies» 

9/1, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk

V. V. Kokhanovsky
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

Vladimir V. Koкhanovsky – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Senior Researcher. ction Association «Chemical Products and Technologies»

9/1, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk

T. M. Ulyanova
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

Tatyana M. Ulyanova – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Leading Researcher. l> ction Association «Chemical Products and Technologies»

9/1, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk


I. E. Shimanovich
Belarusian State University
Russian Federation

Igor E. Shimanovich – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Professor. l> ction Association «Chemical Products and Technologies»

14, Leningradskaya Str., 220030, Minsk


1. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Pavlyuchenko К. V. Oxidation of resin acids by molecular oxygen. Lesokhimicheskaya promyshlennost’ [Forest chemical industry], 1940, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 20–25 (in Russian).

2. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Pavlyuchenko К. V. Kinetics of oxidation of the solid part of the common turpentine. Zhurnal obshchei khimii = Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 1941, vol. 11, iss. 15–16, pp. 1231–1235 (in Russian).

3. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Chekalinskaya I. I., Akulovich V. М. Kinetics of the oxidation of silver abietate. Zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii = Russian Journal of Physical Сhemistry A, 1951, vol. ХХV, iss. 8, pp. 976–980 (in Russian).

4. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Gurevich E. S. Kinetic studies of the decomposition of silver oxide. Zhurnal obshchei khimii = Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 1951, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 467–473 (in Russian).

5. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Wainstein Е. N. Kinetics of the decomposition of potassium bicarbonate. Zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii = Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 1955, vol. 29, iss. 7, pp. 1173–1180 (in Russian).

6. Pavlyuchenko М. М. Research on the kinetics of heterogeneous reactions involving solids. Minsk, 1953 (in Russian).

7. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Verina А. D. Kinetics of mercury oxalate decomposition. Uchenye zapiski BGU. Ser. khimicheskaya [Scientific notes of the Belarusian State University. Chemical series], 1958, iss. 42, pp. 95–105

8. Derbinskii I. А., Pavlyuchenko М. М., Prodan Е. А. Thermal decomposition of labeled mercury oxide. Vesci Natsyonal’nai akademii navuk Belarusi. Serya chim. navuk = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series, 1966, no. 3, pp. 119–122 (in Russian).

9. Samoseiko Т. N., Pavlyuchenko М. М., Prodan Е. А. The influence of the gaseous medium on the thermal stability and the rate of decomposition of ammonium bicarbonate. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii = Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 1974, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 963–967 (in Russian).

10. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Rubinchik Ya. S. Decomposition of calcium peroxide in a carbon dioxide atmosphere. Zhurnal neorganіcheskoi khimii = Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 1959, vol. 4, iss. 1, pp. 50–55 (in Russian).

11. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Popova Т. I. Energy of the elementary acts of peroxide ion formation. Doklady akademii nauk BSSR [Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 456–458 (in Russian).

12. Gilevich М. P., Potapovich А. К., Pavlyuchenko М. М. Free radicals during thermal decomposition of some solids. Geterogennye reaktsii i reaktsionnaya sposobnost’ [Heterogeneous reactions and reactivity]. Minsk, Nauka I technika Publ., 1964, pp. 116–122 (in Russian).

13. Rafalsky N. G. Kinetics of decomposition of some ammonium salts. Мoscow, 1969. 16 p. (in Russian).

14. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Ulyanova Т. М., Tereshkova S. G. The effect of metallic additives on the thermal decomposition of nickel, copper and mercury oxalates. Heterogeneous chemical reactions [Geterogennye khimicheskie reaktsii]. Minsk, Nauka I technika Publ.,1979, pp. 149–155 (in Russian).

15. Kohanovsky В. В. Study of the thermal decomposition of yttrium oxalate and carbonate. Мoscow, 1971. 20 p. (in Russian).

16. Pavlyuchenko М. М. On possible reaction mechanisms for the reduction of copper oxide and monoxide in the presence of activator. Vesci akademii navuk BSSR. Serya chim. navuk [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of BSSR, Chemical Series], 1972, no 5, pp. 127–130 (in Russian).

17. Pavlyuchenko М. М. Increase of the reaction rate in solids without expansion of the reaction zone. Vesci akademii navuk BSSR. Serya chim. navuk [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of BSSR, Chemical Series], 1973, no. 3, pp. 130–134 (in Russian).

18. Prodan Е. А., Pavlyuchenko М. М., Prodan S. А. Patterns of topochemical reactions. Minsk, Nauka I technika Publ., 1976. 263 p. (in Russian).

19. Prodan Е. А., Pavlyuchenko М. М., Sotnikova-Yuzhik V. А., Zonov Yu. G., Lesnikovich L. А. Dehydration of crystallohydrates of tripolyphosphates. Heterogeneous chemical reactions [Geterogennye khimicheskie reaktsii]. Minsk, Nauka I technika Publ., 1970, pp. 6–26 (in Russian).

20. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Prodan Е. А., Zemtsova Z. N., Zonov Yu. G. Kinetics of decomposition of solid solutions in vacuum. Zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii = Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 1973, vol. 47, iss. 8, pp. 1934–1938 (in Russian).

21. Lazerko G. А. Formation of cadmiumammine chloride and zincammine chloride. Moscow, 1952. 22 p. (in Russian).

22. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Borisenko Е. М., Torgonskaya Т. I. The dependence of the activation energy of decomposition of crystalline hydrates and ammoniates on the pressure of gaseous reaction products. Doklady akademii nauk BSSR [Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], 1971, vol. 15, no. 4, pp.322–324 (in Russian).

23. Savchenko V. F. Rubinchik Ya. S., Pavlyuchenko М. М. Study of the interaction reaction between neodymium oxide and chromium oxide. Vesci akademii navuk BSSR. Serya chim. navuk [Proceedings of the BSSR Academy of Sciences. Chemical series], 1973, no. 5, pp. 87–92 (in Russian).

24. Rubinchik Ya. S., Mochalnik I. А., Pavlyuchenko М. М. Interaction of samarium and chromium in solid phases. Izvustiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Neorganicheskie materialy [Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Inorganic materials], 1972, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 133–136 (in Russian).

25. Rubinchik Ya. S., Prokudina S. А., Pavlyuchenko М. М. Synthesis and kinetics of LaMnO3 formation in solid phase. Izvustiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Neorganicheskie materialy [Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Inorganic materials], 1973, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 1951–1956 (in Russian).

26. Prodan Е. А., Pavlyuchenko М. М. On the mechanism of the reaction of thermal dissociation of solids. Message 1. Formal kinetics and mechanism. Heterogeneous chemical reactions [Geterogennye khimicheskie reaktsii]. Minsk, Nauka I technika Publ., 1965, pp. 20–43 (in Russian).

27. Prodan Е. А., Pavlyuchenko М. М., Sotnikov–Yuzhik Yu. М., Zonov Yu. G., Budnikovа V. А. Study of low-temperature dehydration of Na5P3O10•6H2O and NiNa3P3O10•12H2O rystalline hydrates in vacuum using infrared spectroscopy, X–ray phase analysis and paper chromatography. Doklady akademii nauk BSSR [Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], 1967, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 708–712 (in Russian).

28. Petrovskaya L. I., Pavlyuchenko М. М., Prodan Е. А. Thermal transformations of ammonium paratungstate in various gaseous media. Vesci akademii navuk BSSR. Serya chim. navuk [Proceedings of the BSSR Academy of Sciences. Chemical series], 1973, no. 5, pp. 5–9 (in Russian).

29. Samuskevich V. V., Pavlyuchenko М. М., Prodan Е. А. Kinetics of the interaction of lanthanum oxides with carbon dioxide. Vesci akademii navuk BSSR. Serya chim. navuk [Proceedings of the BSSR Academy of Sciences. Chemical series], 1972, no. 5, pp. 5–9 (in Russian).

30. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Prodan Е. А., Lesnikovich L. А. he compensatory effect of the dehydration kinetics of Na5P3O10•6H2O in the atmosphere of water vapor. Doklady akademii nauk BSSR [Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], 1972, vol.16, no. 8, pp. 719–723 (in Russian).

31. Zemtsova Z. N., Kohanovskii V. V., Pavlyuchenko М. М. nfluence of structural factors on the reactivity of strontium carbonate and solid solutions based on it. Heterogeneous chemical reactions [Geterogennye khimicheskie reaktsii]. Minsk, Nauka I technika Publ., 1979, pp. 115–120 (in Russian).

32. Filonov B. О., Shimanovich I. Е., Pavlyuchenko М. М. Determining the absorption coefficient of the β-Radiation of La140, Nd147, Fe59 in diffusion studies in solids. Doklady akademii nauk BSSR [Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], 1969, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 414–416 (in Russian).

33. Shimanovich I. Е., Pavlyuchenko М. М., Prokudina S. А. Diffusion of lanthanum and iron in lanthanum orthoferrite. Vesci akademii navuk BSSR. Serya chim. navuk [Proceedings of the BSSR Academy of Sciences. Chemical series], 1969, no. 6, pp. 61–66 (in Russian).

34. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Samal G. I., Pokrovsky I. I. Stationary process of substance transfer in nickel sulfide (Ni3±xS2). Doklady akademii nauk BSSR [Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], 1969, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 917–919 (in Russian).

35. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Samal G. I. Thermal stability of non-stoichiometric sulfides of some transition metals. Zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii = Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 1970, vol. 44, iss. 6, pp. 1554–1555 (in Russian).

36. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Petukh М. L. Study of the diffusion of sulfur in steels, cast iron and cobalt using radioactive isotopes. Heterogeneous chemical reactions [Geterogennye khimicheskie reaktsii]. Minsk, Nauka i technika Publ., 1961, pp. 249–252 (in Russian).

37. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Pokrovsky I. I Evaporation of sulfur from sulphide scale separated from copper. Doklady akademii nauk SSSR [Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR], 1963, vol. 153, no. 3, pp. 646–649 (in Russian).

38. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Kononyuk I. F. Research of diffuse sulfur in some refractory metals. Doklady akademii nauk BSSR [Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], 1964, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 157–160 (in Russian).

39. Kaputskii F. N., Pavlyuchenko М. М., Pokrovskaya А. I., Ermolenko I. N. Influence of the structure of cellulose on its reactivity when interacting with nitrogen dioxide. Heterogeneous chemical reactions [Geterogennye khimicheskie reaktsii]. Minsk, Nauka I technika Publ., 1961, pp. 253–260 (in Russian).

40. Pavlyuchenko M. M., Gilevich M. P., Potapovich A. K. The Kinetics and Mechanism of Тhermal Decomposition of Dithionates and the Formation of Free Radicals. Reactiv. Solids. Amsterdam – London – New–York, 1965, pp. 488–496.

41. Pavlyuchenko M. M., Prodan E. A. Kristallisations – vorgӓnge inder thermischen Zersetzung fester Stolle. Reactiv. Solids. Amsterdam – London – New–York, 1965, pp. 409–421.

42. Akulovich V. М., Proleskovsky Yu. А., Dubovik К. V. Behavior of the line of impurity in connection with the fusibility diagram of a complex base and evaporation of its components. Izvestiya Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR.: Seriya khimicheskikh nauk [Proceedings of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: Series of Chemical Sciences], 1967, vol. 9, iss. 4, pp. 158–160 (in Russian).

43. Dubovik К. V., Pavlyuchenko М. М. Investigation of the processes of receipt of elements from oxyl mixtures by the reabsorption method. Zhurnal analiticheskoi khimii [Russian Journal of Analytical Chemistry], 1965, vol. 20, iss. 11, pp. 1174–1179 (in Russian).

44. Proleskovskii Yu. А., Akulovich V. М., Pavlyuchenko М. М. Selection of a spectroscopic buffer in connection with a fusibility diagram. Zhurnal prikladnoi spektroskopii = Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 1968, vol. 8, iss. 5, pp. 877–879 (in Russian).

45. Ulyanova Т. М., Pavlyuchenko М. М., Smirnovа L. I. Influence of the composition of the base on the flow of alkaline impurities into the discharge cloud when fusible components are introduced into the silicate system. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 1972, vol.17, iss. 2, pp. 976–979.

46. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Aleksandrovich H. М., Mozheiko F. F., Markin А. D. Enrichment of Starobin sylvinites in heavy suspensions in a field of gravity. Trudy soveshchaniya po ispol’zovaniyu i obogashcheniyu kaliinykh solei Belorussii [Proceedings of the meeting on the use and enrichment of potassium salts of Belarus]. Minsk, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, 1961, pp. 151–163 (in Russian).

47. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Dvorin S. А. Study of the electroseparation of potassium salts. Kaliinye soli i metody ikh pererabotki: sb. st. [Potassium salts and methods of their processing. Digest of articles]. Minsk, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, 1963, pp. 68–77 (in Russian).

48. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Litvinenko E. Е., Aleksandrovich H. М. On the interaction of fatty amines with some hydrophilic colloids. Doklady akademii nauk BSSR [Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], 1968, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 1006–1009 (in Russian).

49. Aleksandrovich H. М., Pavlyuchenko М. М. Potassium salts of Belarus, their processing and use. Minsk, Nauka i technika Publ., 1966. 304 p. (in Russian).

50. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Mazel М. I. On the development of industrial phosphate fertilizers of the Belarusian SSR. Izvestiya Akademii nauk BSSR. Ser. obshchestvennykh nauk [Proceedings of the BSSR Academy of Sciences. Social series], 1959, no. 2, pp. 41–45 (in Russian).

51. Pavlyuchenko М. М., Terentiev V. М., Prodan Е. А., Kosheleva L. L., Yanishevsky F. V. Polyphosphates and mineral nutrition of plants. Minsk, Nauka i technika Publ., 1978. 232 p. (in Russian).

52. Pavlyuchenko М. М. (ed.) Proceedings of the meeting on the use and enrichment of potassium salts in Belarus. Minsk, Nauka i technika Publ., 1961. 264 p. (in Russian).


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