Environmentally sustainable technologies for the use of China industry waste for regeneration of asphalt concrete pavements
The development of a technology for the regeneration of used asphalt concrete coatings is presented, provided that industrial wastes are used and environmentally friendly asphalt concrete coatings are obtained. For research, the technology of dispersing and mixing the waste was chosen to achieve its homogeneity and activation of the mixture in order to increase the physicochemical interaction with binders. It was shown that heavy metals contained in waste and in asphalt granulate are reliably blocked in materials based on organohydraulic binders (OHB), their migration to the environment is significantly reduced. With the optimum content of bitumen emulsion and cement, the effect of maximum structural strength of the road building material and maximum fixation of heavy metal ions is observed. The proposed technical solutions are supported with theoretical calculations and allow environmental-friendly regeneration of asphalt concrete pavements.
About the Authors
B. M. KhrustalevBelarus
Boris M. Khrustalev - Academician, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor. Scientific Director of the Science and Technology Park of the BNTU “Polytechnic”, Henan Technology Company GaoYuan for the maintenance of highways, Center for Foreign Specialists of High qualifications.
24, Y. Kolas Str., 220113, Minsk
T. Liu
Tingguo Liu - Director General of the Henan Technology Company Gaoyuan for the maintenance of highways
6, Gaoyuan Str., 453003, Xinxiang
A. V. Busel
Aleksey V. Busel - D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Chief Researcher. SEBRRI BRI.
60, 4th Zagorodny Lane, 220073, Minsk
G. Li
Zhongyu Li - Head of the Henan Province Key Laboratory for Diagnostics and Maintaining Highways
6, Gaoyuan Str., 453003, Xinxiang
V. A. Verenko
Vladimir A. Verenko - D. Sc. (Engineeting), Professor. Science and Technology Park of the BNTU “Polytechnic”, expert of the Henan technology company Gaoyuan for the maintenance of highways, Center for Foreign Specialists of High Qualification
24, Y. Kolas Str., 220113, Minsk
V. V. Zankovich
Vitaliy V. Zankovich - Ph. D. (Engineeting), expert of the Henan technology company Gaoyuan for the maintenance of highways.
6, Gaoyuan Str., 453003, XinxiangE. A. Busel
Ekaterina A. Busel - Assistant, Department of Physico-chemistry of Materials.
7, Sverdlov Str., 220000, Minsk
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