Microspheres made of polyvinyl alcohol crosslinked with glutaraldehyde for immunomagnetic cell separation
Emulsification of water solutions of NaCl and CaCl2 in isooctane with Span 85 and Tween 85 additives was found to depend on the salt content and the cation nature, Ca2+ being more effective stabilizer than Na+. When the solutions of 275 g/l glutaraldehyde with 1М CaCl2 in water and 2.8 %m Span 85 with 1.5 %m Tween 85 in isooctane were mixed and sonicated, the transparent emulsion (turbidity <20 FNU) was acquired. It was used as а crosslinking agent to synthesize microspheres from magnetic fluids containing polyvinyl alcohol and magnetite nanoparticles dispersed as microdroplets in isooctane. The microspheres were modified with avidin and used for immunomagnetic separation of cells.
About the Authors
K. V. LaznevRussian Federation
Konstantin V. Laznev - Researcher.
36, F. Skaryna Str., 220141, Minsk
V. E. Agabekov
Russian Federation
Vladimir Ye. Agabekov - Academician, D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor, Director.
36, F. Skaryna Str., 220141, MinskReferences
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