
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Influence of the organic solvents nature on the stability and activating ability of SnCl2 colloidal solutions


The regularities of colloidal particles formation in the volume of acetone and glycol SnCl2 solutions in presence of a number of stabilizing additives have been investigated. It was found that in relation to oxidation and hydrolysis of Sn (II) acetone and glycol solutions are much more stable than aqueous and alcohol solutions. The factors influencing their mediation activity in relation to the fixation of an inorganic nitrogen-phosphorus-containing flame retardant on polyester matrix have been established. It has been proven that the formation of numerous homogeneous colloidal particles with sizes not exceeding 20-25 nm in the volume of SnCl2 solutions is a necessary condition for achieving a high mediating effect on fixing a fire retardant on a polyester surface.

About the Authors

O. V. Reva
University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus
Russian Federation

Volha V. Reva - Professor.

25, Mashinostroiteley Str., 220018, Minsk

A. N. Nazarovich
University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus
Russian Federation

Andrei N. Nazarovich - Researcher.

25, Mashino-stroiteley Str., 220018, Minsk

V. V. Bogdanova
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems, Belarusian State University
Russian Federation

Valentina V. Bogdanova - Head of the Sector.

14, Leningradskaya Str., 220006, Minsk

A. V. Vrublevsky
University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus
Russian Federation

Alexander V. Vrublevsky - Head of the Department.

25, Mashinostroiteley Str., 220018, Minsk


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