Electrochemical processing of the active mass of spent manganese-zinc chemical current sources
In order to process primary manganese-zinc chemical current sources, the technology for processing and separation of active mass components is optimized. The technology involves the extraction of zinc in the form of powder and in the form of coatings. Manganese compounds will be extracted in the form of manganese dioxide, while reducing the hazard class of waste to the fourth. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the electrolyte after leaching was determined by titrometric method. The highest concentration in the leaching electrolyte was observed for zinc Zn2+ and manganese Mn2+ ions, their concentrations were 34 and 41.36 g/dm3, respectively. Fe2+ iron ions were present in small amounts in the solutions. Using electrolytic processing of acid and alkaline solutions by leaching the active mass of spent manganese-zinc current sources, zinc in the form of coating was extracted.
About the Authors
G. G. PechenovaBelarus
Gulnara G. Pechenova - Postgraduate Student, Belarusian State Technological University.
13a, Sverdlov str., Minsk, 220006.
A. A. Chernik
Alexander A. Chernik - Ph. D. (Chemistry), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Belarusian State Technological University.
13a, Sverdlov str., Minsk, 220006.
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