
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Effect of crystallization conditions on modafinil substance polymorphism


The effect of the crystallization conditions of modafinil from its methanol solutions on the polymorphic state of the resulting substance was studied using the X-ray powder diffraction method. It is shown that changes in the cooling rate and the concentration of saturated solutions have an effect on obtaining samples of the modafinil substance with differences in diffractometric characteristics. Moreover, the cooling rate practically does not affect the yield of the crystalline product, which depends on the degree of saturation of crystallization solutions. It was found that the I polymorphic form of modafinil can be obtained from modafinil solutions with a concentration in the range of 0.34–0.44 M with slow cooling of solutions, mainly with a temperature gradient of 5–10 °C/hour to a temperature of 5 ± 2 °C. An increase in the cooling rate of saturated solutions and their concentration >0.44 M leads to the production of mixed polymorphic forms of modafinil crystals.

About the Authors

E. G. Karankevich
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Karankevich Elena G. – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Head of the Laboratory.

13, Surganov str., 220072 Minsk

Z. I. Kuvaeva
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Kuvaeva Zoya I. – D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor. Head of the Department.

13, Surganov str., 220072, Minsk

L. V. Kulbitskaya
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Kulbitskaya Lyudmila V. – Researcher.

9/1, Surganov str., 220072, Minsk

A. S. Popov
Belarusian State Aviation Academy

Popov Anton S. – Senior Lecturer, Head of the medical service.

77, Uborevich str., 220096, Minsk


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