
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Quantum-chemical modeling of doxorubicino-fullerenol agents of cancer therapy


In order to therapeutically destroy neoplasms, chemotherapy or radiotherapy is usually applied, and in isotope medicine short-lived radionuclides are injected into the tumor (59Fe, 90Y, 95Zr, 99mTc, 106Ru, 114*In, 147Eu, 148Eu, 155Eu, 170Tm, 177mLu, 188Re, 210Po, 222Rn, 230U, 237Pu, 240Cm, 241Cm, 253Es). Binary (or neutron capture) therapy is a technology designed to selectively treat malignant tumors and using drugs tropic to tumors containing non-radioactive nuclides (10B, 113Cd, 157Gd at al.). Triadic therapy is the sequential introduction into the body of a combination of two or more separately inactive and harmless components, tropic to tumor tissues and capable of selectively accumulating in them or entering into chemical interaction with each other and destroying tumor neoplasms under certain sensitizing external influences. The aim of this work is to quantum-chemically simulate the electronic structure and to analyze the thermodynamic stability of new doxorubicino-fullerenol agents for the treatment of tumor neoplasms. The need for preliminary studies on the modeling of such objects is due to the extremely high labor intensity, cost and complexity of their practical production.

About the Authors

E. A. Dikusar
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Dikusar Evgenij A. – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Senior Researcher.

13, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk

A. L. Pushkarchuk
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Pushkarchuk Alexander L. – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Senior Researcher.

13, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk

T. V. Bezyazychnaya
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Bezyazychnaya Tatsiana V. – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Senior Researcher.

13, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk

E. A. Akishina
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Akishina Ekaterina A. – Researcher.

13, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk

A. G. Soldatov
Scientific-Practical Materials Research Center, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Soldatov Andrei G. – Head of the Laboratory.

19, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk

S. A. Kuten
Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University

Kutsen Siamion A. – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Head of the Laboratory.

11, Bobruiskaya Str., 220030, Minsk

S. G. Stepin
Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University

Stepin Svjatoslav G. – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Associate Professor.

27, Frunze Ave., 210023, Vitebsk

A. P. Nizovtsev
B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Nizovtsev Alexander P. – D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Leading Researcher. B. I. Stepanov Institute.

68, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220072, Minsk

S. Ya. Kilin
B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Kilin Sergei Ya. – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of the Center. B. I. Stepanov.

68, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220072, Minsk

V. A. Kulchitsky
Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Kulchitsky Vladimir A. – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Brain Center.

28, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk

V. I. Potkin
Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Potkin Vladimir I. – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor, Head of the Laboratory.

13, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk


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