Composite technology for the production of paper and cardboard including synthetic fibers
In the modern world, the importance and volumes of packaging produced are constantly increasing. It is a powerful means of promoting goods on the market, but at the same time, the role of its quality increases. Currently, paper and paperboard packaging is not only a significant part of paper and paperboard market in general, but also a large part of the world’s packaging consumption. Currently, the world pays special attention to the use of secondary paper waste for the production of paper and cardboard and increase the volume of their processing. The article is devoted to the production of new types of multilayer paper and cardboard with the addition of chemical fiber and secondary waste, as well as high-quality paper and cardboard that can be used in the printing industry, in order to save valuable cotton cellulose in the country. However, the article shows in what proportions it is advisable to use secondary fibers in combination with cellulose in the production of multilayer composite paper and cardboard for the printing and paper industries.
About the Authors
U. Ja. EshbaevaUzbekistan
Eshbaeva Uibosin Ja. – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor.
19, Uckurgon str.,160115, Namangan
A. A. Djalilov
Djalilov Anvar A. – D. Sc. (Engineering), Head of the Department.
5, Shokhjakhon str., 100100, Tashkent
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