
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Heating value of agricultural biomass: the basic value and intervals for certain types


Higher heating value (HHV) on a dry and ash free basis (daf) is a convenient platform for comparing the energy content in various types of agricultural biomass. HHV and ash content for 90 samples of straw, seed, husk, meal, its waste, etc. were experimentally determined. HHVdaf for 80 samples from different regions were calculated by the literature data. The basic value of HHVdaf agricultural biomass at 19.6 MJ kg–1 was recommended for verifying data on solid biofuels. The intervals of variation of HHVdaf for sugar beet pulp, straw, meal, flax shives and sunflower husk are established. The deviations from the base value of HHVdaf and from intervals of variation of HHVdaf for certain types of agricultural biomass are discussed.

About the Authors

Yu. V. Maksimuk
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University

Maksimuk Yury V. – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher

14, Leningradskaya Str, 220006, Minsk

V. N. Kursevich
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University

Kursevich Vera N. – Researcher

14, Leningradskaya Str, 220006, Minsk

A. S. Korsakova
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University

Korsakova Alina S. – Junior Researcher

14, Leningradskaya Str, 220006, Minsk

M. V. Antonova
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University

Antonova Maria V. – Ph. D. (Biology), Senior Researcher

14, Leningradskaya Str, 220006, Minsk


V. S. Krouk
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University

Krouk Vladimir S. – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Researcher

14, Leningradskaya Str, 220006, Minsk


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