Determination of component composition of lavender es- sential oils Lavandula spp.
The paper presents the results of determining the component composition and identifying substances of artificial origin in the samples of lavender essential oil Lavandula spp. by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and refractometry. The analysis of biologically active substances in lavender essential oils was carried out, the isolated components of the oils were screened for the limit of permissible concentrations and their chemical nature according to GOST, the refractive indices were determined.
About the Authors
T. N. BochkoBelarus
Bochko Tatsiana M. – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Associate professor
15, Р. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
Ju. P. Dubovik
Dubovik Julia P. – Engineer
15, Р. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
Iu. A. Savelieva
Savelieva Iulia A. – Employee
25, Masherova Ave., 220002, Minsk
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