Study of the kinetics of aviation oils thermal conversion under non-isothermal conditions
The paper discusses the results of a kinetic study of the thermal decomposition of MS-8P, TN-98, and TN-600 aviation oils under conditions of continuous heating at a constant rate of 5 K/min to a temperature of 1 073 K. An integral method was used to describe the reaction mechanism and determine the macrokinetic parameters. It has been established that, from a phenomenological point of view, the average reaction of aviation oils conversion under the experimental conditions corresponds to the reaction model described by the surface-limited reaction equation (MS-8P), the power law (TN-98) and the model described by the three-dimensional diffusion-limited reaction equation (TN-600). When dividing the averaged reaction into two reactions (the first is completed at a temperature of 550–600 K, the second at a temperature of 638–655 K), it is determined that the first reaction is described by the reaction equation of the 2nd order (MS-8P), the first order (TN-98) and the reaction equation of one-dimensional diffusion (TN-600), and the second the reaction equation of the first order (three types of oil). The activation energy of the first reaction was 99 kJ/mol (MS-8P), 145.6 kJ/mol (TN-98) and 57.4 kJ/mol (TN-600), the value of the pre-exponential factor was – 144 241 567 min–1 (MS-8P), 62 161 395 942 min–1 (TN-98) and 236.16 min–1 (TN600). The activation energy of the second reaction is 160 kJ/mol (MS-8P), 91.6 kJ/mol (TN-98) and 127.1 kJ/mol (TN-600), the pre-exponential factor is 8.81 ‧ 1011 min–1 (MS-8P), 1.26 ‧ 104 min–1 (TN-98) and 2.04 ‧ 108 min–1 (TN-600). It is shown that the use of these values of the activation energy and the pre-exponential factor leads to agreement between the calculated values of the degree of decomposition of the studied oil samples and the experimental ones in the range of values of the degree of decomposition from 0 to 1.
About the Authors
S. V. VasilevichBelarus
Vasilevich Siarhei V. – Ph. D. (Engineering), Leader Research
77, Uborevich Str., 220072, Minsk
E. A. Shaporova
Shaporova Elena A. – Ph. D. (Chemical), Head of Postgraduate Studie
77, Uborevich Str., 220072, Minsk
S. О. Stoyko
Stoyko Sergey O. – Researcher
77, Uborevich Str., 220072, Minsk
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