
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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IR-spectroscopic analysis of interaction with multi-layer paper and cardboard containing synthetic fibers with printing inks


An IR spectroscopic analysis of the printing and technical properties of new types of multilayer packaging paper and cardboard containing waste polyacrylonitrile fiber and their interaction with printing inks was carried out. The preference for using multilayer composite paper and cardboard for the printing and paper industries is shown. It has been established that the tensile strength of paper does not depend on the strength of individual components, but on the strength of the paper structure formed during its production. When the paper contained 20% waste modified polyacrylonitrile, maximum optical density was achieved with a minimum thickness of the ink layer, that is, saturated prints were obtained with minimal consumption of printing ink.

About the Authors

U. J. Eshbaeva
Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology

Eshbaeva Uibosin J. – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor

19, Uchkurgon Str., 160115, Namangan

A. A. Djalilov
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry

Djalilov Anvar A. – D. Sc. (Engineering), Head of the

5, Shokhjakhon Str., 100100, Tashkent


1. Eshbaeva U. J., Rafikov A. S. Paper from alternative and secondary raw materials. Tashkent, Tafakkur gulshаni Publ., 2015. 112 p. (in Russian).

2. Eshbayeva U. J., Djalilov A. A., Rafikov A. S. Paper with the introduction of synthetic polymers. Tashkent, Kamalak Publ., 2018. 208 p. (in Russian).

3. Eshbayeva U. J., Djalilov A. A., Rafikov A. S. Paper from textile waste. Düsseldorf, Germany, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2018. 130 p.

4. Eshbaeva U. J. Offset paper with the introduction of synthetic polymers and its printing and technical properties. Tashkent, TIILI Publishing House, 2017. 234 p. (in Russian).

5. Eshbaeva U. J., Rafikov A. A., Nabieva I. A., Rafikov A. S. Properties of paper based on cotton cellulose and modified polyacrylonitrile fibers. Tsellyuloza. Bumaga. Karton [Cellulose. Paper. Cardboard], 2014, no. 1, pp. 58−61 (in Russian).

6. Djalilov A., Yeshbaeva U. J., Rafikov A. Paper with introduction of waste of polyacrylonitrile fiber. European Science Review, 2018, no. 7–8, pp. 211−213.

7. Eshbaeva U. J., Djalilov A. A., Magrupov F. A., Zhuraev A. B. Research of strength properties of multi­layer cellular composite materials for packing. Universum: Technical Sciences, 2019, no. 10, pp. 43−46 (in Russian).

8. Leontiev V. N. Methods and means of improving the printing properties of papers in the "paper – paint – print" system. SPb., SPbUHSS Publishing House, 2009. 170 p. (in Russian).

9. Eshbaeva U. J., Djalilov A. A., Assessment of quality indicators of printing on composite packaging materials. Universum: Technical Sciences, 2020, vol. 78, no. 9, pp. 15−18 (in Russian).

10. Eshbaeva U. J. Printing and technical properties of new types of papers containing chemical fibers, Tashkent, TIILI Publishing House, 2008. 16 p. (in Russian).

11. Djalilov A. A. Spectroscopic study of the properties of multilayer cellulose composite materials for packaging. Universum: Technical Sciences, 2020, vol. 74, no. 5, pp. 5−9 (in Russian).

12. Eshbaeva U. J., Djalilov A. A. Composite technology for the production of paper and cardboard including synthetic fibers. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nai akademii navuk Belarusi. Seryya khimichnykh navuk = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Chemical series, 2022, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 418–422.

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ISSN 1561-8331 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2342 (Online)