
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Recent seismogeodynamic activity within the Soligorsk mining region


Some features of the recent seismotectonic activity manifestation within the Soligorsk mining region are considered. A map showing the seismodynamic events recorded in the Soligorsk mining region within 1983–2021 was created. A comprehensive method based on long-term monitoring of seismic events was used to describe the recent seismogeodynamic activity manifestation in the region. It was established that the earthquake arrangement along the fault lines was non-uniform in space and time. The investigations performed were used to determine the seismotectonic potential of seismically active fault zones in the Soligorsk mining region.

About the Author

G. A. Aronov
Centre of Geophysical Monitoring of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Aronov Gennady A. – Director

1/3, Academician Kuprevich Str., 220084. Minsk


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10. Aronov G. A. Dinamika migratsii zon gruppirovaniya epitsentrov zemletryaseniy v severo-zapadnoi chasti Pripyatskogo progiba [Dynamics of migration of the earthquake epicenter grouping zones in the northwestern part of the Pripyat Trough]. Materialy X Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-practicheskoi konferentsii “GEORISK-2018”, v 2 t. [Proc. X Int. Conf. “GEORISK-2018”, in 2 vol.]. Moscow, RUDN University, 2018, vol. 1, pp. 262–267. (in Russian)


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ISSN 1561-8331 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2342 (Online)