Obtaining pigment material by conversion of green vitriol in the presence of inorganic additives
The process of obtaining pigment materials in the FeSO4 – H2SO4 – CaCO3 – M – O2(air) – H2O system, where M is inorganic additive (Al2(SO4)3, H3PO4, H3BO3), using microwave and heat treatment, has been studied. The dependence of the degree of conversion of Fe (II) compounds on the process conditions and chemical composition of inorganic additive has been established. It is shown that the degree of conversion of Fe (II) compounds in the presence of Al2(SO4)3 under given conditions is 1.5–2.0 times higher than that for H3PO4 and H3BO3. The difference in the phase and dispersed composition of pigment materials obtained after microwave and heat treatment of the reaction mixture in the presence of Al2(SO4)3, H3PO4, H3BO3 is noted. It was found that the studied iron–calcium-containing produkts mainly contain a highly dispersed phase with a particle size of 0.1–10.0 microns, have pigment properties and are characterized by a rich red-brown color, the shades of which are influenced by the composition of the inorganic additive.
About the Authors
L. S. EshchenkoBelarus
Eshchenko Lyudmila S. – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor of the Department
13a, Sverdlov Str., 220006, Minsk
R. A. Vorontsov
Vorontsov Roman A. – M. Sc., Lead Engineer
26A, Kiselev Str., 220029, Minsk
V. S. Blinov
Blinov Valery S.– Process Engineer
223710, Building of IOOO «Eickhoffbel», Station «Kali-1», Soligorsk District, Minsk Region
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