The polybromodiphenyl ethers content in technogenic deposits in Belarus
Data on the content of one of the groups of persistent organic pollutants – polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in various types of technogenic substrates obtained for the first time for Belarus are discussed. The objects of the study were chemical enterprises where PBDE-based flame retardants were used, enterprises for the production of computers and household equipment, mechanical engineering and other industries potentially using materials containing PBDEs, sites for collecting and processing waste electrical and electronic equipment, waste landfills, waste water sewage sludge (WWSS) storage sites. 40 samples of technogenic substrates and 17 samples of WWSS were taken and analyzed. Chemicalanalytical determinations of PBDEs were performed using gas chromatography methods with mass spectrometric detection. Additionally, the content of bromine and antimony as indicators of the brominated flame retardants use was determined using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. It was shown that PBDEs were detected in 33.3 % of samples with maximum values of 5.11 mg/kg, bromine – in 40.4 % (236 mg/kg), antimony – in 15.8 % of samples (maximum value of 319 mg/kg). PBDEs were found in WWSS, technogenic substrates and silt deposits in impact zones of various local sources. The main routes of hazardous substances release into the environment and the most likely sources of brominated persistent organic pollutants (POP) are discussed. The need to develop a methodological base for environmental-geochemical studies in Belarus is shown.
About the Authors
T. I. KukharchykBelarus
Kukharchyk Tamara I. – D. Sc. (Geography), Chief researcher
10, F. Skorina Str., 220114, Minsk
V. D. Chernyuk
Chernyuk Vladimir D. – Ph. D. (Geography), Senior Researcher
10, F. Skorina Str., 220114, Minsk
M. I. Kazyrenka
Russian Federation
Kazyrenka Marharyta I. – Ph. D. (Geography), Senior Researcher
10, F. Skorina Str., 220114, Minsk
V. S. Khomich
Khomich Valeriy S. – D. Sc. (Geography), Chief Researcher
10, F. Skorina Str., 220114, Minsk
V. P. Kulakovich
Kulakovich Viktor P. – Lead engineer
7B, Krasnaya Str., 220029, Minsk
А. V. Krylovich
Krylovich Anastasia V. – Researcher
10, F. Skorina Str., 220114, Minsk
E. N. Basalai
Basalai Ekaterina N. – Ph. D. (Geography), Deputy Dean
L. N. Zabrodskaya
Zabrodskaya Lizaveta N. – Engineer
7B, Krasnaya Str., 220029, Minsk
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