
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Determination of the Adengo pesticide residual amounts in corn by dissociative extraction


Distribution of thiencarbazone-methyl and cyprosulfamide between chloroform and aqueous buffer solutions at pH = 3-10 has been studied at 20 ± 1 °С. Based on the experimental data obtained, the extraction sample preparation method has been developed for the determination of thiencarbazone-methyl and cyprosulfamide in corn grain and corn green mass by high performance liquid chromatography. The sample preparation method provides chromatograms where no peak interferes with the peaks of substances being determined. The recoveries of thiencarbazone-methyl and cyprosulfamide from plant matrices are in the range of 72-88%. The method allows determination of thiencarbazone-methyl and cyprosulfamide at concentrations of the maximum residue limit for corn in Republic of Belarus or below.

About the Authors

M. F. Zayats
Институт защиты растений

M. A. Zayats
Белорусский государственный университет

S. M. Leshchev
Белорусский государственный университет

N. V. Petrashkevich
Институт защиты растений


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5. Thiencarbazone-methyl Fact Sheet, US EPA, OPP [Electronic resource] - Mode of access: opprd001/factsheets/thiencarbazone-methyl.pdf. - Date of access: 19.08.2010.

6. Thiencarbazone-methyl [Electronic resource] - Mode of access: arla-pmra/H113-26-2010-3-eng.pd. - Date of access: 19.08.2010.

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