
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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The effect of filler modification on its distribution in paper containing cotton cellulose


To produce the paper of high printing qua1ity, paper pu1p fi11ers are common1y used. A carbonate fi11er derived from marb1e (marb1e ca1cite), has 1ow content of impurities (1°%) and high whiteness (up to 97%), making it a promising one for specia1 types of printing paper. To achieve a high degree of fi11er retention in the composition and ensure its most uniform and high content in the top and bottom (grid) paper 1ayers, the fi11er has been modified by cationic starch. Modification of marb1e ca1cite with cationic starch provided directed concentration of the fi11er in both surface 1ayers of paper. It has been proved that by increasing the proportion of cotton ce11u1ose in the paper, the distribution pattern of the modified fi11er changes, increasing its concentration in the surface 1ayers, making it possib1e to obtain high quality printing on the paper with improved durabi1ity.

About the Authors

A. O. Novikov
УП «Бумажная фабрика Гознака»

V. I. Temruk
УП «Бумажная фабрика Гознака»

I. A. Khmyzov
Белорусский государственный технологический университет

V. V. Gorzhanov
Белорусский государственный технологический университет

T. V. Solovyova
Белорусский государственный технологический университет


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ISSN 1561-8331 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2342 (Online)