
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Hexabromocyclododecane: use in Belarus, problems of identification and prevention of environment pollution


The brief overview of production and use of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) is given. HBCD is a persistent organic pollutant included in Stockholm Convention. The potential spheres of HBCD use in Belarus have been shown, the results of preliminary analysis of its flows into Belarus have been described. The potential manufacturing processes with HBCD use have been identified. Taking into account the international experience, the assessment of HBCD volume in styrofoams in Belarus is done.

About the Authors

T. I. Kukharchyk
Institute of Nature Management of National Academy of Sciences of Belarys

M. I. Kazyrenka
Institute of Nature Management of National Academy of Sciences of Belarys


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