Electric conductivity and thermal expansion of highly coercive ferrites Sr1-xSmxFe12-xCoxO19
Specific electric conductivity (æ) of Sr1-xSmxFe12-xCoxO19 ferrites has been measured in the 300-1100 K temperature range. It has been determined that conductivity activation energy for Sr1-xSmxFe12-xCoxO19 ferrites ( x = 0-0,5) in the temperature range above the Fracture temperature ( Tfrac) is 0,06-0,14 eV higher than the activation energy in the temperature range below the Tfrac. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion (α) for Sr1-xSmxFe12-xCoxO19 ferrites changes slightly when x is increased: from 1,20·10-5 K-1 for SrFe12O19 to 1,27·10-5 K-1 for Sr0,5Sm0,5Fe11,5Co0,5O19.
About the Authors
Wu Ze
Белорусский государственный технологический университет
L. A. Bashkirov
Белорусский государственный технологический университет
S. V. Slonskaya
Белорусский государственный аграрный технический университет
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