
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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The effect of the parameters for extraction process of chamomile and peppermint with 1,2-propylene glycol upon the efficiency of extracting has been studied. Dependencies upon the temperature, the process duration and the extractant – extractive ratio upon the content of extractives in the extracts have been studied. It has been established that with decreasing the ratio of raw materials to solvent, and increasing the temperature and the duration of the process, the content of extractives increases reaching the maximum at 240 mg/g for peppermint and 160 mg/g for chamomile. This content of extractive substances is provided under the following conditions: for chamomile – ratio of raw materials: 1,2-monopropylene glycol – 1: 10, temperature – 56 °C, extraction time – 50 min; For peppermint: 1: 10, 60 °C, 50 min respectively.

About the Authors

V, E. Amelchenko
Gomel fat-processing integrated works
Head of Soap Shop

V. S. Boltovski
Belarusian State Technological University
D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor

V. L. Fleisher
Belarusian State Technological University
Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor


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ISSN 1561-8331 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2342 (Online)