Radon from natural and anthropogenic radiation sources contributes significantly to the public exposure. For that reason, systematic radon monitoring is carried out in Belarus. The main source of radon in the air of premises is its emanation from the geological space under the buildings. The results of radon monitoring in 665 premises in 21 settlements of Vitebsk region are presented. The parameters investigated were: radon volumetric activity in the air of home accommodations and industrial premises (ОАRn), radon equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity and annual effective dose of public exposure due to radon-222 and its progenies (ERn). The excess values of radon volumetric activity in relation to the statutory criteria (200 Bq/m3 ) have been detected for 18 premises (2.7 %). Among them 16 are living accommodation and 2 are industrial premises. The weighted average annual effective dose of public exposure due to radon and its progenies in Vitebsk region is 4.5 mSv per year. Its value for Polatsk district is 2 mSv per year and 7.6 mSv per year – for Glubokae district. Maximum of the weighted average annual effective dose is reported for Garadok dictrict and it makes 32.4 mSv per year. The population exposure to radon and its progenies is the main dose forming factor in comparison with other natural and anthropogenic radiation sources, including exposure from Chernobyl radionuclides.
About the Authors
A. K. KarabanovRussian Federation
Academician, D. Sc. (Geology), Professor, Director
10, F. Skoryna Str., 220114
A. V. Matveyev
Russian Federation
Academician, D. Sc. (Geology), Professor
10, F. Skoryna Str., 220114
I. V. Zhuk
Russian Federation
Ph. D. (Engineering), Head of the Laboratory
P.O. box 119, 220109
L. L. Vasilevskij
Russian Federation
P.O. box 119, 220109
T. G. Leontieva
Russian Federation
Senior Researcher
P.O. box 119, 220109
J. A. Lukashevich
Russian Federation
Head of Sector
P.O. bo 119, 220109
T. V. Lisyanovich
Russian Federation
Junior Researcher
P.O. boх 119, 220109
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