In the present study the distribution of long-lived radionuclides between the drug product, recovered water [ 18O]H2 O and solid phase extraction cartridges was studied in [18F]fluorocholine production process. Isotopic composition for long-lived nuclides (half-lives = 10–312 days) was determined, the mechanisms of their formation and accumulation on cartridges are considered. It was shown that in the batches of pharmaceutical produced the content of long-lived nuclides is by 5 orders of magnitude lower than the limit value specified by the appropriate 07/2016:2793 European Pharmacopoeia article. The results obtained are of vital importance for optimization of the procedures for radioactive waste management in the production of [18F]fluorocholine using IBA Cyclone 18/9 HC cyclotron and, consequently, for minimization of radiation exposure of personnel.
About the Authors
P. V. TyletsBelarus
Pavel V. Tylets – Engineer for radiation and dosimetry monitoring
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District
O. V. Tugay
Оlga V. Tugay – Laboratory Technician
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District
4, Nezavisimosty Ave., 220030, Minsk
V. O. Krot
Vadzim О. Krot – Laboratory Technician
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District
4, Nezavisimosty Ave., 220030, Minsk
A. A. Ivaniykovich
Аlexander А. Ivaniykovich – Leading Engineer
93, Starovilensky trakt, 220053, Minsk
S. A. Soroka
Sergey A. Soroka – Head of Production-Research Department for the measurement of ionizing radiation
93, Starovilensky trakt, 220053, Minsk
D. I. Brinkevich
Dmitrii I. Brinkevich – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Engineer for the registration and storage of nuclear and radioactive materials
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District
Leading Researcher
4, Nezavisimosty Ave., 220030, Minsk
S. D. Brinkevich
Svyatoslav D. Brinkevich – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Head of cyclotron-radiochemistry laboratory
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District
Associate Professor
4, Nezavisimosty Ave., 220030, Minsk
O. A. Baranovski
Aleg А. Baranovski – Head of PET/CT diagnostics laboratory
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District
G. V. Chizh
Georgi V. Chizh – Ph. D. (Medicine), Head of Positronemission Tomography Department
223040, a/g Lesnoi-2, Minsk District
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