
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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A template method for structure regulation of natiral aluminosilicates


The method of template synthesis has been applied for the first time to control the pore structure of montmorillonite clay. Magnesiun sulfate hes been used as a template, having high hydration heat values for both cation and anion. Its presence in the swollen clay is accompanied by dehydration of clay particles, resulting in their interaction and formation of a structure having much higher sorption capasity and specific surface than for acid activated clay samples. The main factors of the template effect upon the improvement of montmorillonite clay parameters, as well as ways for further developments, are discussed. The explanation for regularities observed in montmorillonite clay structure formation and structural parameters' change, is given based on the colloidal chemistry background.

About the Authors

V. S. Komarov
Институт общей и неорганической химии НАН Беларуси

S. V. Besarab
Институт общей и неорганической химии НАН Беларуси

T. F. Kuznetsova
Институт общей и неорганической химии НАН Беларуси


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ISSN 1561-8331 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2342 (Online)