
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chemical Series

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Synthesis and properties of new nitrogen-containing zerumbone derivatives


A series of potential bioactive nitrogen zerumbone derivatives by carbonyl group containing terpene ring, has been synthesized. For the first time, microwave irradiation method has been used for their preparation. The structures of the obtained compounds have been determined by 1Н NMR and IR spectroscopy.

About the Authors

L. I. Basalaeva
Институт физико-органической химии НАН Беларуси

V. A. Tarasevich
Институт химии новых материалов НАН Беларуси

F. K. Long
Институт химии природных соединений ВАНТ
Viet Nam

L. T. Huong
Институт химии природных соединений ВАНТ
Viet Nam

N. M. Cuong
Институт химии природных соединений ВАНТ
Viet Nam

L. V. Chin
Институт химии природных соединений ВАНТ
Viet Nam

V. V. Tryong
Тропический Российско-Вьетнамский центр, Министерство обороны


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ISSN 1561-8331 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2342 (Online)