Extraction of medicinal compounds of the benzodiazepines class from aqueous solutions and their following gas chromatographic determination
In extraction systems hexane–water, hexane–aqueous solutions of inorganic salts (sodium chloride, dipotassium phosphate and potassium carbonate), chloroform–water using the method of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, the distribution constants of psychotropic substances, limited to movement through the customs border of the Republic of Belarus – alprazolam, lorazepam, temazepam, and as well as clozapine, a medicinal product permitted for movement, were determined. The greatest dynamics of the growth of the distribution constant versus salt concentration was observed in alprazolam. It was found that replacing hexane with chloroform leads to increasing the distribution constants and the quantitative extraction of all substances. However, for the selective extraction of substances from various objects and the simultaneous removal of matrix components, it is necessary to use the systems as hexane–aqueous solutions of salts or hexane–water. Based on the obtained values of the distribution constants of substances, extraction-chromatographic technique for the determination of organic nonelectrolytes (benzodiazepines) in various objects is proposed. Metrological characteristics of the techniques are: relative standard deviation does not exceed 2 %, the range of determined concentrations in solutions is 0,05– 1,00 g/dm3.
About the Authors
O. N. MikhniukBelarus
Olga N. Mikhniuk – Chief expert of the Customs laboratory; Postgraduate student. Belarusian State University
45/4, Mogilevskaya Str., 220007, Minsk
14, Leningradskaya Str., 220050, Minsk
S. M. Leshchev
Sergei M. Leschev – D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor
14, Leningradskaya Str., 220050, Minsk
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