The structure and physicochemical properties of scaffolds obtained from collagen gel using connective tissue sheaths of paravertebral tendons of Wistar rats were studied. The scaffolds were obtained at 37 °C (filmy) and 6 °C (volumetric). During hardening, the scaffolds form globular and extraglomerular fractions, which is typical for collagen gels obtained from tendon membranes. The ratio of the fraction volumes is determined by the pore structure and kinking of collagen fibrils. In the filmy scaffold, closed-type pores with weakened kinking are formed, which leads to the dominance of the extraglomerular scaffold. In the volumetric scaffold, kinking is intensified, open-type pores are formed, which determines the dominance of the globular scaffold. The morphogenetic factors of dominant fraction formation are ordering and increased rigidity, while the subdominant fractions are chaotization and elasticization of collagen frameworks. Fibrillar collagen undergoes extra- and intrafibrillar mineralization in situ with structuring of calcium phosphates along the apatite direction. The micromechanical properties of scaffolds induce extrafibrillar synthesis and determine the direction of apatitogenesis: stoichiometric hydroxyapatite is synthesized on rigid matrices, while carbonate-hydroxyapatites are synthesized on loose ones. Intrafibrillar synthesis in combination with temperature determines the degree of crystallinity and the composition of cationic and anionic sublattices of hydroxyapatites. On matrices of fibrillar collagen with strengthened bonds of peptide and carbonate groups, stoichiometric hydroxyapatite is formed, the degree of crystallinity of which is moderated by temperature − the higher the synthesis temperature, the higher the degree of crystallinity and saturation with calcium would be. On matrices with weakened peptide and C−O bonds, carbonate-hydroxyapatites are formed, in which substitutions in the anionic sublattice are regulated by temperature: at elevated temperatures, CO32– groups predominantly replace OH–, and at lower temperatures, PO43– groups.
The kinetic regularities of oxidative conversion of propylene to acrolein with 1 % Ni2+-clinoptilolite catalyst at different temperatures (320–380 °C), volume rates of 700–1 400 h–1 and partial pressures (PC H3 6 = 0.36–0.46 atm., PO2 = 0.55–0.64 atm.), have been studied. On the basis of the experimental data, a stepwise scheme of the reaction course was proposed.
Nanobiotechnology is an actively developing field of science, which finds application in cancer therapy, molecular diagnostics and molecular imaging. In this work, selenium nanoparticles were successfully obtained by chemical reduction of selenite ions with ascorbic acid in dextran phosphate (DP) solutions, which was used as a stabilizer. It has been found that dextran phosphate coated nanoparticles are stable during storage for 3 days. Sorption of the antitumor substance doxorubicin was studied in the concentration range from 0.1 mg/ml to 1 mg/ml. A significant prolongation of cytostatic release from stabilized nanoparticles was shown. Selenium nanoparticles coated with water-soluble DP can be used to create broad-spectrum drugs, in particular, antitumor drugs that compensate for selenium deficiency in the body.
Composite coatings of silicon dioxide nanoparticles of polyethylcyanoacrylate and heptadecafluorotetra hydrodecyltriethoxysilane oligomers obtained on steel and silicon substrates by spin coating method. The highest values of the water contact angle are 150° and 151° with a wetting hysteresis less than 2.0° and hexadecane contact angle 125.6° ± 1.5° и 126.0° ± 2.0° for coatings obtained on silicon and steel surfaces, respectively, from a suspension containing 6.6 mass.% SiO2 nanoparticles in ethylcyanoacrylate.
The structural characteristics and electronic state of palladium deposited on carbon fiber materials (Busofit, Carbopon) and the carbon composite Sibunit were studied. The study of supports and Pd/C composites by modern instrumental methods (AES-ICP, TEM, EXAFS- and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) showed two nanosized phases of the metal component in all the 1% Pd/C samples studied: the oxidized surface phase of PdO and the clusters of metallic palladium with average particle size of 1.7, 1.9 and 2.2 nm, for Sibunit, Busofit and Carbopon, respectively. Differences in the values of the Pd2+/Pd0 surface ratio for the systems under investigation can be related to the different quantity and type of functional groups on the surface of carbon materials, as well as to their different specific surface area.
Currently, the search for relatively inexpensive raw materials from renewable plant resources to obtain activated carbons based on them remains relevant. The thermochemical destruction of various cellulose-containing plant materials has been studied: pine bark and sawdust, flax tow and cereal straw. The conditions for obtaining activated carbons from them using orthophosphoric acid as an activator have been determined. 68 % concentration of the orthophosphoric acid has been established to be the most optimal for obtaining activated carbons from plant materials by thermochemical activation. It has been shown that under the same conditions of thermochemical synthesis, the characteristics of activated carbons are determined by the chemical composition of the feedstock. According to low-temperature nitrogen adsorptiondesorption data, all the obtained activated carbons have a high specific surface area (1 290–1 380 m2/g) and at the same time contain at least 70 % mesopores with sizes greater than 2 nm and the adsorption capacity relative to methylene blue of 420–610 mg/g. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the method of thermochemical activation of plant materials by orthophosphoric acid makes it possible to obtain mesoporous carbons, which are essentially new sorbents exhibiting high efficiency in adsorption processes.
Atophane-containing benzocyclopentaquinolines and benzacridines were obtained by the reaction of cascade three-component condensation of atophane-containing esters of substituted benzaldehydes, 1.3-cycloalkyldiketones and 2-naphthylamine with a yield of 60−88 %. Atophane-containing bisbenzacridines were synthesized by a similar technique using 1.5-diaminonaphthalene with a yield of 50−80 %.
The process of obtaining pigment materials in the FeSO4 – H2SO4 – CaCO3 – M – O2(air) – H2O system, where M is inorganic additive (Al2(SO4)3, H3PO4, H3BO3), using microwave and heat treatment, has been studied. The dependence of the degree of conversion of Fe (II) compounds on the process conditions and chemical composition of inorganic additive has been established. It is shown that the degree of conversion of Fe (II) compounds in the presence of Al2(SO4)3 under given conditions is 1.5–2.0 times higher than that for H3PO4 and H3BO3. The difference in the phase and dispersed composition of pigment materials obtained after microwave and heat treatment of the reaction mixture in the presence of Al2(SO4)3, H3PO4, H3BO3 is noted. It was found that the studied iron–calcium-containing produkts mainly contain a highly dispersed phase with a particle size of 0.1–10.0 microns, have pigment properties and are characterized by a rich red-brown color, the shades of which are influenced by the composition of the inorganic additive.
Data on the content of one of the groups of persistent organic pollutants – polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in various types of technogenic substrates obtained for the first time for Belarus are discussed. The objects of the study were chemical enterprises where PBDE-based flame retardants were used, enterprises for the production of computers and household equipment, mechanical engineering and other industries potentially using materials containing PBDEs, sites for collecting and processing waste electrical and electronic equipment, waste landfills, waste water sewage sludge (WWSS) storage sites. 40 samples of technogenic substrates and 17 samples of WWSS were taken and analyzed. Chemicalanalytical determinations of PBDEs were performed using gas chromatography methods with mass spectrometric detection. Additionally, the content of bromine and antimony as indicators of the brominated flame retardants use was determined using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. It was shown that PBDEs were detected in 33.3 % of samples with maximum values of 5.11 mg/kg, bromine – in 40.4 % (236 mg/kg), antimony – in 15.8 % of samples (maximum value of 319 mg/kg). PBDEs were found in WWSS, technogenic substrates and silt deposits in impact zones of various local sources. The main routes of hazardous substances release into the environment and the most likely sources of brominated persistent organic pollutants (POP) are discussed. The need to develop a methodological base for environmental-geochemical studies in Belarus is shown.
ISSN 2524-2342 (Online)